If you’re a regular consumer of Kratom, you will likely have run into the problem where your usual dose no longer gives you the same effect. It’s like something is amiss, something that doesn’t happen at once. It is a gradual process that occurs over time as the body gets used to the same amount daily.
The decrease in efficacy can be troublesome and especially painful for people that utilize Kratom as a form of pain relief. So how can you realize when you’ve become tolerant to a dosage of Kratom? And more importantly, how can you keep it low? Read on to find out more!
What Is Kratom Tolerance?
Generally, Tolerance means to bear something. Medically, a development of Tolerance towards any drug or substance refers to the phenomenon where the body becomes desensitized/loses sensitivity for that particular drug/substance at a particular dose. Thus, an increased amount of the substance is required to induce a response in the body.
If you use anything, in this case, Kratom, repeatedly, there will come the point where your body will become so used to the same amount that it will no longer show a reaction. This loss of reaction means that the dose is no longer working, and you’re essentially consuming Kratom for nothing. Some other factors could lead to the development of Kratom tolerance. Let us look into some of these.
What Are The Causes Of Kratom Tolerance?
Two main causes have been linked to the development of Kratom Tolerance. These include:
- Repeated Dosage. Using the same amount repeatedly day after day can result in Tolerance being developed more quickly so that dosage stops working after a while. A person has to change the dosage repeatedly to get the desired effects which can be a difficult process and can lead to health hazards.
- Stagnant Strain Syndrome. Stagnant means to stand still. This phenomenon refers to consuming only one strain of Kratom repeatedly. Kratom is available in different varieties, the most common of which include: Red veins, white veins, green veins, and to some extent, Yellow vein varieties.
Almost all these varieties come from the same plant, just differing from each other in the point of harvest. If you keep consuming a particular strain, your body can become used to it, and this causes Stagnant Strain Syndrome. People like to mix strains for its correction, but we will discuss the topic of fixing Kratom tolerance later.
What Are The Phases Of Kratom Tolerance?
A user’s Kratom Tolerance can be broken down into three phases based on the types of users and their frequency of use of Kratom products. These phrases summarize the types of effects a user feels at certain doses and how it can be a process to determine the right strain and dose for every individual. These phases include:
- The Beginner’s Honeymoon Phase. First-time users or new users can get the desired effects of Kratom from very small dosages, and this phase doesn’t last long because the body has to develop some form of Tolerance. It is an enjoyable phase. You get all the effects that Kratom has to offer in the smallest quantity possible, avoiding most side effects. Thus, it is a safer and more enjoyable experience.
- The Right Dose. With time, users have to increase their dosages as the body develops Tolerance to maintain an internal balance. There comes the point where users can enjoy a specific Kratom strain and dose without having to change anything for a good while. It’s like the sweet spot, tethering the line between perfection and almost too much. This phase also doesn’t last that long, but it’s the most optimal phase of Kratom use.
- The Downward Slope. It is that phase of Kratom use where no dose or strain can last long enough to induce a proper response in the body. The body becomes so tolerant to the amount or type of Kratom that it no longer “senses” it. Despite not producing the desired response, the increased amount being taken in is harmful to the body and can cause irreparable damage. This phase is often due to people upping their dosage randomly or inconsistently. Repeated increase or a turbulent increase are some ways how any amount of Kratom stops working for an individual.
How Can Kratom Tolerance Affect A User?
Kratom is a plant rich in alkaloids, and its effects are comparable to those of morphine and other analgesics. These effects can be beneficial to people, but just like morphine, Kratom can easily be misused and is now considered a great threat being a substance of abuse.
A person that becomes tolerant of Kratom will crave more of it and will likely run into problems such as Overdosing, dependency, and addiction. These problems can ruin lives and endanger human health, so caution must be taken when working with Kratom or even trying to adjust its Tolerance. Let us discuss some of these side effects in more detail.
Withdrawal Symptoms
It is not easy to let go of a drug/substance once you’ve become physically dependent on it or are addicted. The same holds for Kratom. Long-term users of the plant experience withdrawal symptoms once they try to abstain from its use. These symptoms can be violent and are spearheaded by the strong urge to consume Kratom.
These withdrawal symptoms are almost always instantaneous and can become an issue for recovering users.
These symptoms include:
- Loss of appetite.
- Hot flashes.
- Reduced muscle mass.
- Seizures and muscle spasms.
- Diarrhea.
- Sleep Disturbances.
- Watery nose and eyes.
Abusing Kratom can very easily lead to becoming addicted. And addiction, in the long run, can be a problem not just for the user but also for other people around them.
Addiction has visible signs and symptoms and is most often characterized by anger and aggression. Some of the other signs include:
- Secretiveness.
- Social withdrawal.
- The decline in living standards.
- Increase in criminal tendencies.
- Disturbances in sleeping patterns, weight, habits, etc.
Dependency is one of the scariest outcomes of developing a tolerance. The body becomes physically dependent on Kratom. It can no longer function well or function without any amount of Kratom present in the blood. And usually, this amount required for the body to work is often so high that the dose itself becomes a danger.
Dependency differs from addiction in the way that, in addition, you’re more so mentally attached to the substance. In contrast, independence, your body refuses to work without the substance because it has become so used to it that it becomes essential.
Extensive Side Effects
People who become tolerant of Kratom experience many side effects, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
People with Kratom Tolerance have reported to experience being more irritable, agitated, and have poor concentration. Some people also experience seizures and liver damage.
The most common side effects include:
- Constipation
- Dry Mouth
- Digestive issues etc.
How Can You Identify Kratom Tolerance?
The easiest way to identify Kratom Tolerance is by checking the dose you take regularly. And understanding what effects to what degree are being produced. If your usual dose no longer works the same and you’re not getting the same effects to some degree. The chances are that your body has started to develop some tolerance.
There is almost no way to avoid some form of Tolerance. Your body needs to maintain homeostasis. That is, the body has to ensure that everything is working well and that there is a balance between everything. So, with time, the body recognizes Kratom as something normal and develops a tolerance for it. At least for the amount you have been consuming.
Tolerance can become tricky when you’re reckless with your dosing or consumption. As much as it is nice to chase a high, it’s not worthwhile to do so when your usual dose no longer works. And not everyone can afford large quantities of Kratom if they run out quickly.
Suppose you’re suffering from Kratom tolerance. Don’t worry; there are ways where you can safely lower it and still enjoy a good Kratom fix!
How Can You Lower Tolerance To Kratom?
There are some easy and simple ways to get your Kratom use under control. These methods bring ease to the user and prevent costly alternatives.
Take Boosters Or Potentiators
A good way to get your Kratom fix on the same strain and dose is to aid it by using a good quality potentiator or booster. These boosters can be certain minerals or acids that you can find easily in everyday items.
One of the best boosters you can take with Kratom is grapefruit juice! The citric acid in grapefruits is a perfect match for Kratom alkaloids which ensure that you’re getting all the good benefits from Kratom at a much lower dose.
You can also take Magnesium which works as a good potentiator. Magnesium supplements are readily available in the market and merge well with Kratom alkaloids. So, it is very easy to achieve a Kratom high while being safe and cautious.
Take A Break
The best thing you can do when you’re going through severe Kratom tolerance is to Take a break! Wild, isn’t it? No, but really. Taking a break from consuming Kratom can help balance out your body. It also gives ample time for the body to wash out alkaloids and regain a familiar internal environment. By taking a break, you can easily go back to your initial doses without a hitch and be fine!
Although it might be very tempting to dive back into Kratom the very next day, hold back, and you’re more likely to enjoy it for a longer time.
Switch Up The Dose
This method requires some knowledge and understanding of Kratom and dosing. If you’re somewhat new, a dose of 2-4 grams a day is sufficient. However, regular users can do fine with a dose of around 5-8 grams. Anything above 6 grams can become a bit of a blurred line, but most people do well. Any increase in dose must be calculated, concise, and not abrupt. A random spike in dosage could cause serious health problems and may even lead to addiction and dependency.
Rotate Between Kratom Strains
As mentioned before, most varieties of Kratom come from the same kind of plant. Although, people have their favorites when it comes to Kratom. You mustn’t stick to just one kind of strain.
Rotating between different strains or even a mixture of strains can help lower the development of tolerance. The best thing is not to use one strain more than twice a week. And if you have difficulty remembering which strain you’re using, it is best to get on a schedule!
Despite having a lot of great effects, Kratom is indeed a dangerous substance. Scientists are still studying its use, and it is advised to use it carefully. Although if you choose to consume Kratom and encounter a wall with stagnant effects. You can always alter your dosage, rotate out strains, or chill and take a breather from Kratom for a while.
Being safe with what you consume is better for your health and the way your life functions. Addiction and dependency truly ruin lives, and it is always best to be safe than be sorry!