A Beginner's Guide To Kratom

Over the years, the use of Kratom has gained popularity among both teenagers and adults. With the use of this herb and its effects, there are many burning questions about its use, benefits, and side effects. Some of the most frequently asked questions are addressed below:

1. What is Kratom?

Kratom, also called mitragyna speciosa, is a native tree from Thailand, Malaysia, and a couple of other South Asian countries including Myanmar and the Philippines. The tree belongs to the coffee family and can grow as long as 100 feet tall. The leaves of this tree have been in use as herbal medicine since the 19th century. The leaves of this tree have different colored stems that include green, white, and red color which signify how mature the tree has grown. Kratom is used to target fatigue, as a sedative and stimulant.

2. Is Kratom legal?

Kratom is not legal in many countries like Australia, Malaysia, and several European places. However, it is legal in Thailand & the United States, but it is not FDA approved. This herb is commonly marketed in the US as alternative medicine and can be bought easily from stores or online that sell alternative medicines and supplements.

3. How is Kratom Used?

Kratom can be taken in various forms, including tablets, capsules, tinctures, tea, extracts, and gum. In some rare cases, kratom leaves are also eaten fresh or dried in a powder form. It is also vaporized or smoked, but this form of ingestion is rare and not too effective.

4. What Is The Ideal Dose Of Kratom?

The ideal dose of Kratom differs and is dependent on various factors like the user’s age, weight, health, and other conditions they are suffering from. There is no scientific research or information that can determine the ideal dose of Kratom.

However, users should keep in mind that not all-natural herbs are always safe, and hence it is essential to be mindful of the dosage. You can make sure to consult with your healthcare professional or your pharmacist before proceeding with a specific dose. In the beginning, it is wise to start with small dosages.

5. Is Kratom Safe To Take?

While Kratom may have mild side effects, it is generally safe if taken in small doses. It is also believed that traditionally prepared Kratom from completely organic leaves is entirely safe to take. However, there is not enough research to back up the claims of Kratom being completely safe, especially if taken for an extended amount of time.

6. What Are The Benefits Of Kratom?

Apart from the well-known benefit of relieving pain, Kratom also provides the user with euphoric effects. Kratom releases the body’s happy hormones and provides your muscles with high bursts of energy that impact your workouts. It also offers soothing effects and relaxes the muscles and nerves, thus improving sleep quality.

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7. Can Kratom Relieve Discomfort?

Kratom is efficient when relieving discomfort because of a compound called 7-hydroxy mitragynine which is said to be way more potent than morphine. Certain strains of Kratom are most effective in targeting uneasiness, and these are the green vein, white vein, and red vein kratom strains. These strains work effectively by attaching to the receptors in the brain, thereby suppressing the discomfort in the body.

12. What Are Kratom’s Side Effects?

Side effects of Kratom entirely depend on the dosage and duration. However, some common side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and dehydration. When taken in high doses, kratom users may feel high body temperature, nausea, weight loss, and fatigue. 

14. Does Kratom Interact With Other Medications?

Yes, kratom can interact with other essential medications affecting their efficacy as it can affect liver function and the liver is mainly responsible for the breaking down of medications. It is best for the user to talk to a healthcare professional before taking kratom if he is already on other medication. 

15. Can Kratom Cause Addiction?

Kratom has mind-altering properties which change the natural chemistry of the brain. With Kratom, certain chemical messengers in the brain are either stimulated, suppressed, or not appropriately absorbed, causing a rush of euphoria. The continual use of Kratom to experience euphoria can regularly interfere with the brain, leading to drug dependence.

16. Can I Drink Kratom Tea Every Day?

Kratom tea is prepared for consumption by brewing kratom leaves. The tea is said to have many benefits like curing mood disorders and also helping with unease. It is safe to take if consumed in a moderate amount. 

17. What Does Kratom Taste Like?

Kratom users describe the taste of Kratom as being grassy, leafy, rustic, and herbal. They taste pretty similar to tea leaves, just a little more brewed than usual. If you are already used to drinking black tea, then the taste of Kratom may be pretty familiar and easy to accept for you.

18. Can I Have Kratom on an Empty Stomach?

There is no correct answer to this question, as consuming Kratom on an empty or full stomach has different effects. However, it is best for new Kratom users to always take it on a full stomach as its strong effect on a newbie can cause heartburn and stomach issues. Experienced kratom users can always see what their goals are and consume them accordingly.

19. When Should I Take Kratom?

To decide the ideal time to consume Kratom, you should know your goals related to Kratom. If you are taking it to boost energy for a long day at work, you can take it first thing in the morning. If you are looking to unwind after a hectic day and sleep well, you can take Kratom after you are done having your dinner.

20. What Is The Best Kratom Strain To Try As a beginner?

The best kratom strain to try is the red one for a beginner as it is very relaxing and has a mild aroma. This kratom type also helps improve sleep quality and is not very overwhelming for a newbie. The other kratom strains are comparatively more potent and are used for energy-boosting and other purposes.

21. What Is The Difference Between Red, Green, White, And Yellow Kratom?

Red kratom strains are typically picked up when the kratom tree is very mature. They are the best for beginners and can improve sleep quality and have a mild smell. On the other hand, the White strain is the opposite of the red one and is an energizer with a strong aroma.

Green kratom strain is a combination of both red and white as it offers energizing effects and has a mild smell. 

The origin of the yellow kratom strain is debatable, and many people claim it is a combination of all three red, white, and green strains. Some claim that it is a white kratom strain that is dried using a different process. However, when it comes to its properties, the yellow kratom strain is said to be quite identical to the green one. 

23. How Much Kratom To Take In a Single Serving?

How much Kratom you take in a single serving depends entirely on the user. If you are a beginner, try using 1 gram of Kratom in one serving and see its effects for a week. If you can handle it and want to take it a notch up, add 0.5 grams more and observe how your body reacts to it, and then keep going up. Generally speaking, a teaspoon of Kratom has about 3 grams of powder in it.

24. How long Will Kratom last? Does Kratom Go bad?

The answer depends on how you store it, and yes, with time, Kratom does go bad. Since Kratom is a natural product that does not have any preservatives, it eventually does go bad, especially if it is not appropriately packaged. Below are a few signs that show that your Kratom has gone bad and is no longer effective as before.

  • Loss of smell
  • Loss of colour
  • Develops mould spores. 

Kratom with mould spores is not safe to use. However, if it has only lost its colour and smell, you can still use it, but it will not be as potent as before. 

25. How Do You Properly Store Kratom Powder?

Kratom with mould spores is not safe to use. However, if it has only lost its colour and smell, you can still use it, but it will not be as potent as before.

 – Out Of The Light Storage

If you intend to keep Kratom for the short term, then storing it in a cool and dry spot like a drawer in the kitchen is enough. However, for long-term use, for over a month, you can keep Kratom in the fridge. 

– Air-Tight Storage

Once you open the air-tight packaging kratom comes in, you need to make sure to keep it in a ziplock and press out all of the excess air. Doing this will minimize the amount of moisture that usually makes Kratom go bad and mainly cause moulds in it. 

– Store In a Cool Place

The temperature at which you store Kratom plays a vital role in how long it stays fresh. If you want to store Kratom for 1-3 months, you can easily store it without a worry in the fridge. For long-term storage of up to 6 months, freezing Kratom is the best option for avoiding any microbe growth.

26. How is Kratom Harvested And Processed?

When Kratom leaves on the tree have reached a proper maturity level, farmers pick up and harvest them. The age and maturity of these leaves play a vital role in their colour and the concentration of alkaloids in them.

After the farmers harvest the leaves, they are cleaned thoroughly to remove all kinds of debris and dirt. After the cleaning process, the leaves are dried on racks, either indoors and outdoors. The last part of the process is grounding the leaves in industrial grinders, where they are converted into a powder form which is then packaged and sold.


  • Camille Quintin

    Camille Quintin is a trained health professional with over ten years of experience in medical service delivery, basic science, and applied clinical research. She aims for the highest quality results to help professionals raise awareness with critical health literature. Her medical and health writing experience includes working with researchers at various European Universities and research organizations to assist in preparing articles for publication in international journals.

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