The drama happening over in New York has fueled the topic of CBD/Hemp. Needless to say, education is severely lacking in this nation when it comes to recognizing hemp and all it does for a consumer.
In this post, we will talk about the differences between hemp/CBD and kratom, giving you the education you need to recognize the difference between marijuana and hemp and the similarities to CBDand kratom.
Perhaps purchasing a little bit of CBD next time might be a good idea if you have not tried it yet. Better yet, combining CBD and kratomis a popular combo for many.
Is There A Difference Between Hemp And CBD?
Though CBD and hemp derive from the very same plant species, they are different based on the levels of THC embedded in the plant.
What Is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil is also derived from Cannabis sativa, which contains the chemical element trans-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the cannabis component that gives marijuana its psychosomatic kick. Hemp oil is extracted from the leaves, petals, and seeds of a hemp plant.
Yet Cannabis sativa plants have different levels of THC and that is a major factor in defining hemp oil versus CBD oil. Basically, any cannabis Sativa plant that contains more than 0.3% of THC is considered to be marijuana. Anything less than 0.3% THC is considered hemp.
Thus even though Cannabis sativa and hemp a derived from the very same plant species, they are different based on the levels of THC embedded in the plant.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and is known scientifically as cannabidiol.
CBD is one of 120 known chemical compounds embedded in marijuana plants and differs from hemp in that it contains Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid available in cannabis.
What both CBD oil and hemp oil do have in common is neither is linked to THC and therefore won’t provide that psychological “high” so often attributed to THC.
The Benefits Of CBD
CBD has been identified as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, neuroprotective, analgesic, anti-proliferative substance with the enormous perks of being naturally produced and causing almost no side effects.
Although THC is therapeutic in its own right, it does induce a mind-altering effect that some people are uncomfortable experiencing. Medical patients, for example, maybe more interested in consuming a low-THC cannabis product so that their medication does not interfere with their day-to-day responsibilities.
CBD oil and hemp oil do share similar chemical attributes and are touted as health care solutions to various ailments. CBD oil and hemp oil are often used as a natural supplement to improve human health in the following areas:
CBD oil is known as a relaxant, with little or no side effects with regular usage.
According to a number of clinical studies, CBD seems to positively impact serotonin receptors in the human brain, which improves a person’s emotional state and supports better emotional well-being. That’s a helpful attribute for anyone suffering from nervousness.
Nervousness Relief
Some health experts say that CBD oil can help alleviate stress, primarily by curbing inflammation that can trigger waves of nervousness on the human body. The oil can also promote better sleep, which can, in turn, fight back against sleep interruption for people experiencing nervousness, and help cure insomnia in the process.
CBD oil can improve a variety of human skin issues, including acne, wrinkles, brown spots. CBD has the anti-inflammatory ingredients to help clear up and prevent acne, while it also has the anti-oxidants to curb ageing skin.
Blood Pressure
Scientists say that CBD can also aid the lowering of blood pressure in humans, mainly by reducing the body’s systolic pressure in the arteries as the human heart pumps blood. By taking a moderate dosage of CBD oil, some health experts say, an individual can improve blood flow, lower the heart rate and reduce the discomfort the stress often found in patients with high blood pressure.
DISCLAIMER: If you do choose to purchase hemp flower and you live in a state that has not legalized any kind of cannabis, be ready for potential pushback or legal intervention since hemp CBD flowers look and smell just like high-THC cannabis buds.
CBD Vs Kratom
Similarities in Kratom and CBD
- Herbal extract used for medicinal purposes
- Ability to significantly reduce stress
- Can help overcome substance abuse
- Can help with nervousness issues
- Used for centuries as a natural remedy
- Plenty of anecdotal evidence of its benefits
- CBD is legal as per the federal law; though it remains in legally murky waters due to its wrongful association with marijuana. Similarly, Kratom is unregulated but technically legal; though it also remains in a legal grey area.
- Can cause stomach cramps and upset stomach
- CBD oil is edible; can infuse in edible products. Similarly, Kratom is also edible; leaf chewed or powder mixed in tea/warm water
- CBD, one of the over 120 cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, is extracted through a complicated procedure from the flower of the plant.
- You can use Kratomplant parts in its raw form. MG or Mitragynine, one of the 25 alkaloids found in the plant, is responsible for its analgesic properties.
- CBD is extracted as an oil and converted into different products like tinctures, capsules, edibles, and vapeable oils. Kratom can be chewed, toss back in a “kratom shot”, or steeped in tea. Kratom can also be ground into a powder and mixed with hot water.
- Kratom directly interacts with opioid receptors. Considered as an opioid substitute to many.
- CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, helps fight the immune system to reduce inflammation. Kratom helps fight inflammation but also strengthens the immune system.
To learn more about kratom, how you can help, and the evidence it has behind it concerning its benefits, CLICK HERE and visit Kratom United (a non-profit organization).
To learn more about CBD, visit Project CBD (a non-profit organization).