When it comes to Amazon, one instantly thinks that you can get almost anything from Amazon. However, the truth is that you can’t find everything on Amazon. For instance, you can’t buy quality Kratom on Amazon. If you search the phrase Kratom on Amazon, you will find many products. Surprisingly none of them are actual Kratom, but they have tags labeled as Kratom. Many e-books on Kratom and other mood boosters will appear. So, you can get an idea from this that in reality, Amazon doesn’t sell Kratom. The only Kratom available on Amazon is the products that have either Kava Kava or other mood enhancers and are tagged as Kratom. Why is this so? Why can’t you buy quality Kratom from Amazon? Where can you buy Kratom? To answer all these questions, let’s give a read to the following article.
Experiencing Kratom on the megastore Amazon
This is an experience that is most unlikely to happen. Why so? The Kratom you find of Amazon is not Kratom. Some products are mislabeled as Kratom to gain views. Although Kratom is highly prevalent in the States today and it is legal to possess Kratom in most of the States of America. We wonder why it is so odd to find a quality Kratom product on one of the world’s most popular retail stores.
There are some excellent reasons to not buy Kratom on Amazon, which we will discuss in detail in the following paragraphs. Some of the products you’ll come across when you search Kratom on Amazon include e-books about Kratom’s benefits, strains of Kava, some discomfort-relieving products, and strength boosters. It’s funny that none of these actually Kratom, but they are mislabeled as Kratom. So, we highly recommend that you do not have the experience of buying Kratom on Amazon.
Does Amazon ban Kratom?
Vendors are not allowed to sell Kratom on Amazon. If you try selling Kratom and list the product as Kratom, Amazon will most likely take down your product. It’s weird that the most reliable retailer in the world still is not updated about Kratom’s regulations. Kratom has been legalized under strict rules in many parts of the United States, but Amazon has its policy. Anything that contains Kratom, or is listed as MD (for Maeng Da) cannot be sold on their website. Amazon clearly states that any substance that is identified as a concern by the Drug Enforcement Administration, such as Kratom, cannot be sold on Amazon.
However, some sellers have discovered different strategies to sell Kratom on Amazon. As long as you don’t mention Kratom in the product name or description, you are good to sell. Now a product with such a vague description, doesn’t mention the actual name of the product or uses phrases that you cannot decipher, would you still buy it? Even if it is authentic Kratom, it has no description of the strain, the source of the strain, how it was grown, and how it was processed, would you still go for it?
Then there are products on Amazon that are Kratom, but if you look at their description, it says ‘secret ingredients.’ What if it contains drugs? What if it contains something very toxic? This made us question the reliability of Amazon too. Should Amazon be allowing a product that has secret ingredients in it?
The twisted policy of Amazon about Kratom is something that we cannot comprehend at least.
Reputable companies do not sell Kratom on Amazon
Authentic and reliable Kratom vendors have their setup and a proper channel to sell their Kratom products. They have their online store and sometimes blogs that provide information about all Kratom strains and other Speciosa products. They also offer their customers with lab test reports to verify the contents present in their packages.
However, some companies sell Kratom on Amazon, but the design and label the package such that they can trick Amazon’s non-Kratom policy. The question is, would a reputable company do this? NO! More importantly, if a vendor is tricking Amazon with the way they label their product, they can deceive you. So, let’s not trust these vendors in the retail store; we never know the contents of the package.
Why has Amazon banned Kratom?
Amazon shies away from substances that are a cause of controversy in the mainstream. When it comes to Kratom, we know that it has been a controversial substance for almost a decade now. The regulations put forward by the FDA, the emergency ban announcement, and the involvement of the DEA have made Kratom quite notorious. It has been placed in the controlled substances category, although kratom is legal in many states now. Although they claim to be ‘everything store,’ retail stores tend to stay away from such substances. Also, they have to ship to most parts of the world. This becomes challenging for them to watch the regulations for a particular substance in a specific country. Amazon guarantees to provide a safe experience to its customers, which doesn’t go well with their policy.
Is fake Kratom available on Amazon?
As stated above, vendors do sell Kratom on Amazon, but with a fake label and description. But do we know that the contents of the package are not affected? Yes, there’s a huge possibility that you will come across fake Kratom on the retail site.
Now that we know that the FDA is not regulating Kratom products, it becomes essential that we do our share of research related to the sellers and their products. Instead of getting scammed with a fake product, or a poor-quality product, do your homework on the seller. Get in touch with other Kratom users on Facebook pages/groups and other online communities to know more about authentic sellers.
How to tell if a Kratom product is fake?
These are the red flags that you need to observe before buying any Kratom product;
- The Kratom product lacks an appropriate description.
- The description is present, but it doesn’t mention the source of Kratom.
- The label of the package is vague and unknown.
- The seller sounds too promising.
- The product is cheap as compared to the rest of the market.
- The packaging is poor.
- There is no third- party lab test report available.
- There will be blatant medical claims.
Quality control in the world of Kratom is highly crucial. Any mislabeled ingredients cannot just reduce product efficacy but also cause other issues. These include long-term effects, matters regarding consumers’ safety, and repute destruction leading to legality issues.
Why is low-quality Kratom bad for Kratom industry growth?
Usually, when you come across a bad or low-quality Kratom product, you do not think it might be a fake product. You think it is useless and doesn’t work. You start believing the negative propaganda presented by the mainstream media, and even the FDA and the DEA. That is a massive blow to the Kratom industry as a whole because here we are striving so hard to make the FDA believe that Kratom is a beneficial substance.
A single bad review about Kratom can potentially discourage hundreds or even more potential customers from discovering the health benefits of Kratom. This is why we urge all the vendors and sellers to please avoid selling fabricated Kratom. Avoid selling Kratom on Amazon or other retail sites by mislabeling it.
How can I know that the Kratom I buy will be safe and effective?
Step one to this is always doing your homework. We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of researching the Kratom seller and the product. Next, you have to test their products and see which one works best for you. A trustworthy brand is the one that always displays its third-party lab tests on their website. This shows they are dedicated to ensuring the hygiene and safety of the product they are selling, and they are transparent at this. You will observe that they have verified reviews from happy customers, not just on their website but also on other blogs. Their product will have a proper label, which mentions the package’s ingredients, any relevant dosing instructions, and contact information of the seller. A reliable brand will not hesitate to show you batch records and sourcing of their Kratom. They will respond to your queries and even offer samples to encourage you to taste their products.
If you are buying Speciosa in bulk, most likely they’ll offer you a discount. For genuine vendors, some bucks do not matter; they want to see their customers happy and satisfied. They will not exaggerate about the products they are selling or make any stupid medical claims.
Where can you buy Kratom online?
Buy Kratom online from vendors about whom you are sure that they do not sell counterfeit products. You can get any of the Speciosa products from reputable manufacturers, make sure that you do your research on them before doing any business.
Trust us; Amazon is not the place where you should be looking for quality Kratom.
You can also have access to Ketum on some local stores and cafes. In the states where Ketum is legal, it is readily available at some shops. So, keep your search for the best Kratom vendor. It involves a lot of trial and error and experimentation with various Kratom strains. You will end up buying the best Kratom strain.
If you are looking for high-quality Ketum on Amazon, you are in the wrong place. The Kratom that you’ll find on Amazon will be packaged to be Amazon-friendly. This means that you will not have full access to the information on the contents of the package. This creates a regulation vacuum, both for Amazon as well as responsible Speciosa users. This makes many Amazon customers vulnerable to mislabeled products, counterfeiters, unclear dosages, and other safety issues.
In summary, buying Ketum from Amazon is a risk; you could end up spending your money on nothing but a forged substance. We suggest that you avoid shopping Kratom from Amazon and stick to reputable and reliable manufacturers. Also, urge other fellow Kratom users to shop online only from reliable vendors. Consuming anything toxic or harmful is hazardous to the entire Kratom family because this ultimately pushes the FDA and the DEA to implement harsh regulations against Kratom.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is Kratom Available On Walmart?
No, Kratom is not available at any of the local retail stores, such as Walmart. This is so because Walmart, just like Amazon, has the policy of staying from anything that can lead to controversy. They only sell brands that adhere to their policy of being strictly in compliance with the FDA and the DEA.
Can I buy Speciosa products from online vendors?
Yes, you can. However, you need to ensure that Kratom is legal in the area you are living in. If it is illegal, you shouldn’t get the product online. The customs will most likely stop it, and you won’t get it. To check Kratom legality in your state, please head over to the American Kratom Association’s official website.
I think the Kratom that I got is fake, what shall I do?
The most reliable way to check if a Kratom is fake is to get tested by an authentic lab. The report will show you a complete analysis of your product and answer your queries. If it contains any additives, fillers, or preservatives, it will show up. Ensure that there are no heavy metals or pesticides in your Ketum strain as they are highly toxic to your body. Now, when you confirm that your Speciosa product is fake, please talk to the vendor. They will most likely cooperate. If they do not, you can always write to the American Kratom Association, and make your voice heard in the Kratom forums.
How is shopping from Amazon better than buying Kratom from online vendors?
For instance, if you find reliable and good quality Kratom on Amazon, there are chances that it will be more cost-effective for you than other Kratom online vendors. On Amazon, the products are usually cheap, and you can get them delivered to any place you like through its Amazon prime delivery. Unfortunately, it doesn’t allow vendors to sell Kratom on Amazon, so there are very thin chances for you to get authentic Ketum on Amazon.