Kratom being a non-native herb in The United States, has to face many legitimacy issues, and its efficacy is often questioned. The wonder herb needs enthusiastic support from its supporters and consumers to stop it from becoming a Schedule 1 controlled substance in The USA.
Although Mitragynae Speciosa is legal and almost freely available in most states, some areas have banned its sale. There is a constant spread of false information, allegations and slanders from many organisations against Kratom, hence the need to know how to be a good Kratom Advocate to defend the herb.
Kratom’s Legal Issues
To be a good advocate requires understanding the depth of problems and gathering as much information as you can.
Kratom has been under the microscope by pharmaceutical companies and the FDA ever since it has gained popularity.
Pharmaceutical companies
Americans have been dependant on medications since the origin of modern medicine hence making pharmaceutical entities one of the biggest businesses in the country, giving them incredible power to pressure the government authorities to ban or limit natural products that can have healing powers.
These companies have led out much false information and hindered the process of investigations and proper study about the South Asian herb.
The FDA v/s American Kratom Association
The FDA is a government organisation mainly specialising in regulating controlled substances and drugs. Unfortunately, the FDA has been against the whole idea of Kratom from the very start; they have exhibited unaccepting behaviour by stopping and keeping Kratom shipments worth millions under custody, making up cases against Kratom excessive usage without any scientific research to back up their claims but luckily many sound people who knew the herb closely gathered and form American Kratom Association that regulates the vendors by providing them guidelines on storage and purification and by fighting these baseless cases.
How to be A Good Kratom Advocate?
All this propaganda and allegations against the wonderful herb can make any Kratom lover filled with anger and frustration. There is only one positive way to channel these build up emotions, and that is by understanding and supporting Kratom in any way, big or small, we can.
Gather Information with reliable sources
Join kratom forums, various discussion pages and websites like Reddit and read as many articles about the new researches and regulations; always be well informed, which is the key to being confident when you are advocating.
Start educating your circle of people
Always start small; gather the people who will listen to you or people around you who need help in grasping this whole Kratom concept. Start by giving people correct information and by clearing up myths and false knowledge. Help people with their dosages and consumption methods.
Although this will not affect the higher level immediately, it definitely will help clear up the Kratom image in some time.
Support American Kratom Association and other groups
AKA has been working very hard in clearing up the legal issues as well as ensuring the quality of the product by providing proper guidelines and a comprehensive guide on safe consumption for the consumers and vendors. You can always show your support by encouraging such organisations and adding to their fame by advertising about them.
Learn about Kratom Consumer Protection Act
KCPA is a piece of legalisation that allows the sale of authorised Kratom and makes a vendor or store certified just for the safety of the consumers. With the growing popularity and Kratom sales reaching the sky, many new vendors online and in stores are rising and selling compromised kratom products that cause nothing but damage.
The act consists of the essential information about the new herb as it is significantly less studied and researched.
The information includes uses, research, laws, safe doses, and finally, the information about prohibited sales.
Vendor requirements and the standards needed to provide the consumers with the best quality Kratom are also a part of this act.
All of these acts and requirements make Kratom that comes to the standard of the FDA. In short, KCPA ensures the production and sale of quality Kratom.
Ensure Quality of Products and Vendors
Look out for local vendors and websites that are more popular in your area. You can look out for your community as well as the whole Kratom world by just reporting the foul vendor as it can help save lives as well as the future of the wonder herb. Many vendors and smoke shop owners go for cheap products that are cost-friendly and not much work for them either, report these black sheep and educate your fellows about how they should check the product and tell them about AKA and GMC approved vendors.
Contact local government and Legalisation showing your support
Please show your support for kratom by contacting the locals that are your voice for the government and telling them about your good experiences with the herb, how it has helped you and no doubt many others in your nearby places. Come in contact with the legal authorities and show your support with other like-minded people.
Support Local legitimate Kratom businesses
By encouraging such businesses, you are laying out the road for Kratom freedom. As these legitimate businesses flourish, so does the excellent quality Kratom does, and this clears up the misconceptions to some extent.
Join Kratom Forums and Organisations
If you feel the deep urge to get up and make a change for the small Kratom community, join in forces with The American Kratom Association and join forums. Go out for a better cause and help clear up the wonderful Kratom herb with its miraculous endless benefits.
Mitragynae Speciosa is a magical herb, as some will say. Many organisations may take anything new with potential as a threat to their market, and Kratom is one of the threats that expose it to many wrong allegations and slanders.
You can play your part in stopping the ban of Kratom in The United States in many simple yet effective ways. Be the best advocate for your Kratom.